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Protective Order's 

Judge Gavel

Protection Orders are Free to file and need to be filed with the court. Please click below to learn more and get the help that is needed.

Warning: The information and forms in this guide are not legal advice and are not a substitute for the help of a lawyer. It’s a good idea to talk with a lawyer about your particular situation. This guide tells you about getting a protective order to protect you from someone who has been violent or threatened to be violent. 

Click for your FREE Protection Order Kit and Information

What is a Protective Order?

It is a court order that protects you from someone who has been violent or threatened to be violent. Violence can include sexual assault.


How much does it cost?

It is free for you.


How can a Protective Order help me?

It can order the other person to:

  • Not hurt you or threaten to hurt you

  • Not contact you or go near you, your children, other family

    relatives, your pets, your home, where you work, or your

    children’s schools

  • Not have a gun or a license to carry a gun

    The police can arrest the other person for violating any of these orders.


How long will the Protective Order be in place?

In most cases, a Protective Order will last up to two years. There are some situations where a court can issue a Protective Order that lasts longer than two years.


Do I have to go to court?

Yes. Even if you get a Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order, you must go to the next hearing. It should be in about 2 weeks. The judge will decide if you should have protection and for how long. If you do not go, the Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order may end.

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